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wtf, what the fuck, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat


prince charming,frog,magic,spell,prince,magick,fun,animated,flash card,crown,
wtf - what the fuck
facebook stalker
prince charming flash


hammer,hammer time,vintage,snap cards,funny,photo,

tag, tag youre it, gnomie,exchange cards, card war, greetings
sympathy symphony
its hammer time!
tag gnomie

tag, tag youre it, cow, exchange cards, card war, greetings

tag, tag youre it, target, exchange cards, card war, greetings,devil

finger,fart,humor,funny,joke,pass wind,pass gas,poot,
tag cow
tag devil
pull my finger

text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat,urs,up yours,

text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat,afdn,any fucking day now

text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat,420,ganja,weeds,marijuana,grass,pot,smoking,roach,
urs - up yours
AFDN - any fucking day now
420 - weed

text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat,182,I hate you

tag, tag youre it, target, exchange cards, card war, greetings

vintage photo, special, aren't you special, jerk, sarcasm, sarcastic, snap
182 - I hate you
tag target
vintage photo special jerk

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vintage photo, leave him, grow a pair, leave his sorry ass, snap

vintage photo, knuckle up, fight, brawl, fisticuffs, start something, snap
vintage photo pimp my ride
vintage photo leave him
vintage photo knuckle up

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