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Christmas Honey Bears card (108972)
Front | Inside | Back
Christmas Honey Bears card
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$3.89 (includes envelope), as low as
Quantity Price Per Card
1 - 1* $3.89
2 - 4* $3.39
5 - 9 $3.19
10 - 24 $3.09
25 - 49 $2.79
50 - 99 $2.59
100 - 199* $2.29
200 - 499* $2.19
500 - 999* $1.79
1,000 - 2,999* $1.59
3,000+* See bulk pricing
* Orders with less than 5 cards or exceeding 99 cards are not eligible for FedEx Office pickup.
Inside Text:
Wishing my Honey a
Beary Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
Inside text only
Product ID:
In Stock - Ships the next business day
Folded 5" x 7" greeting card
Artist Notes:
Two honey bears in Christmas colored pajamas kiss under the mistletoe. Wish your hubby a merry Christmas with this whimsical ink and watercolor illustrated greeting card.
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Reviews for Christmas Honey Bears card
"I Could Bear-ly Hear the DJ over the Cries of Joy" By PicRic - January 13th, 2024
I Could Bear-ly Hear the DJ over the Cries of Joy. Something a little different without being too forward.
"Christmas Time" By Linda B - August 2nd, 2021
I bought this card for my husband because it is cute and the verse inside lets him know how I feel.
    Testimonials from Shoppers that Ordered this Card
    Judi - Dec 22nd, 2021
    “As always, these cards and this company have saved the day for me once again. As a home bound individual, this has become my go to place for cards. There is always a wide, wide variety available for any occasion!! My thanks and appreciation.”
    As Featured In